So some of you have been giving me greif for not updating this more often. I, unlike some of you, don't have much of a life (yet) therefore don't have much to tell people :) Anyway.... I'll make a list of some of the new things that are going on :)
*I am still working with all of the sheep, got through the lambing season and ended up with over 100 lambs. I now have ~170 animals all together, I should be able to start selling the mom sheep the first part of June and will just have to take care of the lambs for the rest of the year (~80 animals). Thank God for my husband!! He is amazing and I would be screwed with this project if he wasn't around to help so much (needless to say he hates sheep and never wants to look at another one once this is over!).
* I am approximately 32 weeks along with the pregnancy and things are going well. I have been having contractions for the last 2 weeks about every 15-20 minutes all day long. The Dr. doesn't seem too worried and tells me to continue doing my everyday things. Ryder is moving like crazy, never sleeps and already has more energy than I know what to do with.... Whats he going to be like when he actually gets here!?! The plan still sits that I will be induced on July 10th if everything is looking good. Dr even said yesterday that I only have to hang on for about another 5 weeks and then we can go anytime if the contractions continue. This may seem like the longest stretch out of the whole 9 months. I am scared to death!! Not so much of the labor and delivery part, but of actually having a baby to take care of!! I take care of animals not kids!! I don't know what the heck I'm doing!!! AHHHH.....
* We have FINALLY finished painting Ryder's room. It took over 2 months to do but I am so excited about it. We are still missing a few pieces to the whole decorating scheme but hope to have those this week sometime. Here are a few of the pics from the process, like I said its still not all the way done so I will post new pics when I get it all the way done.
* And last thing I can think of for now.. I had a baby shower in Logan last weekend with some of my friends from around here. My awesome neighbors Cassie and Sera threw if to me! It was a lot of fun and I got some cute stuff. I think my shower in Richfield will be June 20th!! Here are a few pics.
Well we have been married 4 1/2 years and own a home in Hyrum, Utah. We share it with our 2 dogs, 2 cats and ferret!! Its a zoo but we love it and wouldn't have it any other way