So... yeah nothing too exciting going on in my life to tell you all about! But two days ago we discovered that 6 of my research sheep had been bred before I got them and were about ready to lamb. The area I have all my animals now is not good for lambing so we moved these 6 into a facility where they could lamb out of the snow and mud. Anyway.... yesterday 2 of the girls both had a set of twins, unfortunately one passed away shortly after birth, but I now have 3 cute little lambs running around! Even though I can't use these animals for my research project anymore they are very cute and I am hoping I can find a good home for the little ones this spring when they are a little bigger. I have about 70 more "girls" that are supposed to lamb in April so altough I will have over 100 little guys running around this spring, these first 3 are exciting and very adorable! I took some pics of them tonight but it was dark, I will take more tomorrow when they are up running around.
2 years ago